Monday, February 19, 2007

I came across this via a friend today. And I'm going to make sure that I have it posted up on the bulletin board at work asap to provide some comfort to the good young girls that I teach. Just wish I'd had something like this to fall back on when I was younger and convinced that being a good girl was something very very bad. Of course, now I know better... being older and wiser.



  1. "... convinced that being a good girl was something very very bad... "
    Now that confuses me quite a bit... were you bad to begin with and turned a new leaf, or repent not being bad enough?

    Blame it on my grey cells that aren't getting their daily fodder...

  2. I am, and was, and always will be a good girl :D

  3. now that's stated with a certainty that's hard to refute :)
    we believe you (grudgingly and with lots of jealousy :D)

    ... and look, who's that moron trying to climb to the topmost branch of the apple tree when others like us prefer flinging stones to bring the apples down?
    callops, perhaps you can see him better... good luck and make sure you both don't come down tumbling like humpty dumpty :)

  4. Thank you, tinks, you might try climbing right up the top of the tree too to get the pick of the crop. Throwing stones is a bit too hit and miss

  5. And I'm going to make sure that I have it posted up on the bulletin board at work asap to provide some comfort to the good young girls that I teach....
    Bulletin ah chuan a post ta em? :)

  6. Not yet. My printer conked out. I switched it on and both ink cartridges popped out of nowhere. Haven't figured out yet where to shove them back in so the good girls are still without your piece of wisdom, Jigme

  7. Very well said about girls . .
